It is amazing how much money that people spend with interior designers. And yet in another regard it makes sense because humans spend so much of their time indoors, and of course they want that time to be a pleasurable experience. In a business, happy employees are more productive, and there in our personal lives is less stress living in a positive and pleasant environment. Nevertheless, at some point functionality needs to trump design. After all, it's nice to have everything looking very spiffy, but if it has no functionality, all the efficiency has gone out the window.

So I'd like to ask you what type of person are you - are you more of a creative designer type person, or are you more of a functionality type of individual when it comes to interior furniture, layout, and business processes. If you are a logical type of thinker then perhaps you are more into functionality, than the latest trendy interior design. Interestingly enough, if you work out things correctly you can have both.

What I find quite fascinating is that many creative type of individuals are actually quite efficient in their own lives, yet when they design things for other people they don't realize that those other folks are not like them, and they have their own logical and systematic way of doing things. Therefore they design things that look really nice in their eyes, or perhaps will be pleasing to people who come to visit, that it can play hell on the people who have to work in that environment. Well, at least when it comes to interior design for a business.

Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
Interior Design Types
 Interior Design Types

When it is a home it's surely another thing, as people want their friends to be impressed, but still, if you have to live in a place that was designed by someone else, and you may not ever feel at home in your own house, then what is the use. This is why I believe that before you hire an interior designer, you need to sit down with them and explain how you work, where you like to work, and what times of day you do your best work.

The interior designer needs to know your schedule, which rooms you like to do things in, and what type of activities you expect you will be doing in those various places, because without this information the designer cannot always give you what you want. If you rely and the designer to come up with something, because you don't want to think about it, then you most likely will not be totally satisfied with the results, even if your friends are blown away by how nice everything looks.


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